Keep In Touch

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Belize, Ocean, Mountains, and eco opportunnities.

Belize is on the northeast coast of Central America.  The official national language in Belize is English, HOWEVER, if you go there expecting to be able to easily communicate with anyone living there in your native English language, DON'T.  Although English is taught in the Belezian schools, most natives speak an English-based creole, especially around tourists.

The Belize Barrier Reef, over 450 offshore Cayes (islands), excellent fishing, safe waters for boating, scuba diving, and snorkeling, numerous rivers for rafting, various jungle and wildlife reserves for hiking, and bird watching as well as numerous Maya ruins support the thriving tourism and ecotourism industry.Belize also has the largest cave system in Central America.

As anywhere you might travel in the world, including your own back yard, there is crime.  Belize is no different significantly, except crime rates are down other than drug trafficking related crimes.  If you are not going to Belize to buy a steamer trunk load of illegal substances, and stay away from obvious areas where these activities might be taking place, you should be safe.  There are some specific warnings when you read about particular cays or areas of the country you might be thinking of traveling to.  Yes, more research.  Heed the warnings, and avoid neighborhoods or geographic areas that may be or may have recently been on the "avoid" list.

Probably the majority of tourism involves the extensive caye system in Belize.  The cayes each have their personality and nuances.  Diving, snorkeling and salt water sports abound, as do miles of pristine beaches.  Basically there are two ways to get to the cays, probably the most common is the water taxi, and the other being flying in a small airplane (for the larger cayes) from Belize City.  Your budget and time allotment may play a big part in your decision on getting to your caye.

If you happen to be staying at a resort on one of the cayes you will not need to worry so much about travel on the cay itself.  If you rent a private property bicycles and motorbikes are common ways to get around, although not the only options.  Yup, more research.

If you perceive that anything south of the US border is inexpensive, think again.  they only made so much beach front property, and it is costly almost anywhere you may go.  There are, however, exceptions to every rule.  If you are a mountain type person, you may find more bargain properties, but you will probably not find a mall or Wal-mart close by.  There is always some kind of trade-off for peace and quiet.

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