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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Poas Volcano, Costa Rica

Poas Volcano National Park in Costa Rica is a wonderful low impact adventure that I consider a must see.  The volcano is not currently active, as a matter of fact (and this could change at any minute) there are no erupting volcanoes in Costa Rica at this time.

Located about an hour from San Jose, the park is a well kept, very well thought out attraction.  There is a fee for visitors of the equivalent of $7 USD to enter the park and includes parking.  the trail to the rim of the volcano is less than a half kilometer.

The roadway to the rim is a divided road, not too steep, and there are places to stop and rest on the way up.  Rest?  Why rest?  Well, the top of Poas is nearly 9000 feet.  The air is a bit thin up there.  We took or time, but watched another senior citizen walking a rather quick pace up the road.  While we were at one of the two overlooks the on-site ambulance took him away.  We did find out later that he was okay, but had suffered a mild heart attack.  Pace yourself, there is no need to rush.

There are also side trails through the jungle.  One is nearly a mile long and the other is just over 1/2 mile.  These trails are not paved.  They do offer up close opportunities to see some indigenous flora and fauna. No Flip flops recommended here.

The lower slopes of Poas are covered with fruit farms (be sure to buy some fresh strawberries or visit a tourist store for some chocolate covered berries as you are driving down the mountain) and huge ornamental flower farms. Most of the roses, lilies and other flowers grown in this region are air-expressed to Miami where they are put on planes headed to all parts of the United States and Canada.

At the base of the main walkway there is an information center, cafe and a shop to buy souvenirs.  This center is very clean and well organized.  Be sure to stop here either before or after your walk to the volcanic rim.

Morning seems to be the best time to have the best views of the crater and surrounding valleys.  Remember, you are going to be at about 9000 feet.  It will be cooler by far than wherever you started your day.  It could also be damper.  A light rain jacket should cover most unexpected weather changes.

La Paz Waterfall Gardens is in the general vicinity and is also a worthwhile stop.  More on La Paz another time.        

 Travel Safe and Often

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