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Saturday, December 28, 2013

New Year's Eve in Honduras and Panama

Hondurans celebrate New Year's Eve on the 31st of December.  Below is a picture of the daytime portion of a rural Honduran New Year celebration.

. During this celebration, the majority of Honduran homes cook special dishes to mark the occasion. Favorites include tamales wrapped with banana leaves, roast pigs' legs, and pastries. The celebrations is complemented at the end of the night with fireworks and firecrackers.

Many traditions are also connected with New Year Celebrations in Panama and one can also take enjoy of all traditional activities on eve night. The tradition comprises fires, throwing out of evil spirits, plants and fruit trees are beaten with sticks, and noisemakers are blown and other celebrations. New Year Eve in Panama is a wonderful celebration with singing, fire dancing, sizzling dinners and brilliant fireworks. 

The occasion is a great time for good food, wine and music. The citizens of Panama celebrates the new year by wishing each other good luck and promise himself to perform better in the ensuing year. The inhabitants of Panama celebrate the New Year eve by being part of the beach party celebrations or they stare at the occasion by amalgamation the celebration that takes place at the clubs as well as at the bars that are positioned near the Panama City Beach. 

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