Keep In Touch

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

El Salvador

After a long, arduous day of travel we arived in El Salvador. Imigration and customs was a relative breeze. most of the people we interacted with spoke relatively good English.

Directions to La Libertad were spot on. the scenery on the way to the beach ranged from dramatic to spectacular, with sharp cliffs, fields of sugar cane, and lush valleys. That's the good part.

The country, from the little bit we have seen is rather poor (generally speaking) and very colonial.  It is not out of the ordinary to see goats and cows tied up along the side of the road grazing. Chickens appear free range, using the side of the road for a gravel source. If you or your dog happens to kill one you have to pay the owner a dollar.

The beach house we rented is feet from the blue Pacific ocean with nice waves and a beautiful sandy beach. Fishermen are active right out front.

It is not paradise found here, but a beautiful respite from the cold of middle America. 

More later, almost time for breakfast.

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