Keep In Touch

Monday, January 20, 2014

El Tunco

We ventured over to El Tunco today. El Tunco is basically a surf destination with several restaurants and souvenir shops.
As with many of the smaller beachfront towns here,  space is very valuable. Parking is at a premium if you are not staying at one of the hostels or hotels.
The shops are full of trinkets,  bathing attire,  and sandals.  Prices are negotiable.  If you are "el gordo" like myself you probably won't find a tee-shirt to fit.
As I have said before, most of my pics of town are on my camera so they may show up here in a week or so.
I did not see the remarkable surf when we were here that we did at El Zonte. It is probably there, just not when we were.
I compare what I have so far seen to west coast Mexico around Manzanillo, 30 years ago. Manzanillo at that time did have several large resorts, however. The beach area is grossly un-commercial,  and still laden with locals living within sight or at least hearing distance of the shore.
Watch in February for our El Salvador trip web site. Sponsors are showing great interest all ready.
Travel Safe, Travel Often.

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