Keep In Touch

Friday, January 17, 2014


Sitting on the patio at Casa Cajun this morning it is relatively cool 73 degrees.

As I watch the waves break in the ocean out front I see the pelicans following the crest of the breakers. To me it appears they are playing the waves. To them, I presume, they are looking for small fish jumping out of the fury of the crashing water.

Breakfast will be served soon, and then on the road to Casa Tortuga for the day. With decent roads the trip there should take no longer than an hour. With five tunnels to go through and many large trucks on the road the trip could take longer, however. If it happens the highlight of our visit will be a turtle release into the mighty Pacific.

More details tonight when we return to our base at playa san diego, El Salvador.

Travel Safe, Travel Often.

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