Keep In Touch

Sunday, January 19, 2014

What I notice at Playa San Siego

As one of us has bitten into the Montezuma Revenge pill, the day has been spent at Casa Cajun.

Families came to the beach mid morning and left before noon. Now at 3 pm, they seem to be back in force.  Fewer people are working on Sunday which for the most part is dedicated to church and family time. Don't we wish more of that happened at home?

There are horses all over the beach for rides, music abounds,  and kites are flying.  Horse rides can range from less than a dollar to over twenty dollars, depending on the color of your eyes. Locals pay  a lot less and have a lot less.

We found out that there was a dolphin stranding Wednesday.  Fishermen tried to turn it back to the sea unsuccessfully.  A sling was fashioned and a government agency took the mammal for care.  Word is that the dolphin will recover and be able to be released back into the sea at some point.

Vendors were a bit more prevalent on the beach side of the house today. One person with a horse stopped and asked if he could drink from the spigot outside the fence. No problem. 

There is a good breeze here this afternoon which actually keeps the waves down somewhat.  There is still surf, but the wave action is less than most days.

You do not hear shouting and arguing with all the people out front. Everyone seems to be getting along, knowing it's back to work tomorrow. We still have four days to enjoy this country.  I am sure we will venture out tomorrow to see more of El Salvador.

Travel Safe, Travel Often. 

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